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Blue Moon (Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Series #8)

Blue Moon - Laurell K. Hamilton If you want to read a synopsis, there are plenty of places for you to do that elsewhere. This is what I thought of the book:Though I did end up liking this in the end, for about the first 1/2 of the book, all of the things I don't like about Hamilton's style were out in full force. She has a tendency toward cliches, ridiculous repetitiveness (Note to Laurell K. Hmailton: ok, its the 8th book in the effing series - if we don't know certain things, we should start from the beginning, but you sure as hell shouldn't tell us those same certain things in each book like its new info, and you REALLY shouldn't just copy and paste - we may not recognize it the first time or two it is repeated word for word, but the 6th or 7th? Give your readers a little credit. Those who pick up a book mid-series deserve to be a little confused. You just have to trust that your writing alone will make it clear, not your endless reiterations. And for god's sake, don't stop in the middle of action and ruin the tension with your little tangents.) She also needs to pay a little more attention to detail, or keep some post-it notes, or something, because she contradicts herself on occasion, or bobbles back and forth (ie the main character is 25, and she says on a few occasions that Jean-Claude is nearly 300 years older than her, putting him somewhere between 300-324; she also frequently states that Jean-Claude is over 400 years old. Maybe Anita, the narrator, has had a few too many concussions, cause something just aint right...). There are always so many plot lines going, I think maybe Hamilton just splits her focus too much and gets lost. Which unfortunately means her endings can be abrupt and read like an epilogue/after-thought.But she did get the book on track, and I did end up liking it (and even though there were parts that irritated me -- especially my inner-editor -- I was never NOT engaged), and though I am sure these bad habits will continue through the rest of the ridiculously long series, I will read it, fixing the defects in my mind as I go.Side note; for those of you who read the series and like your Anita lustful, this one certainly does not disappoint. ;)